Saturday, July 7, 2007

"Be Careful with the Drugs," says the Phamacologist

For the time being, I may have to post information the morning after events occur -- just because the end of the day gets pretty crowded with "care"-related activities. In any case, the problem with the suction device for the NG tube was solved by an early morning visit yesterday from a hospice nurse carrying the proper NG tube fitting cannibalized from a new NG tube. The suction pump actually worked fine -- it just needed to be attached to the appropriate device. With that problem out of the way, we made our way through the day quite well. Nancy appeared stronger and more engaged in the activities going on around her. In the evening we watched the DVD of "Happy Feet", an appropriate title for the way we were feeling about the arrangement we had for Nancy's care.

Nancy left the hospital with no drugs, except for the IV fluid order. She isn't in any pain. The Pathways hospice nurse suggested we request a few drugs for problems (like pain) that might occur for which we don't want to be unprepared at 2:00 am. Nancy had been having some trouble sleeping at night so one of the drugs ordered was lorazepam, a drug used to reduce anxiety and to help with sleep problems. Since Nancy can't take pills anymore, they offered one that dissolves under the tongue and is absorbed right there. Nancy took one (only 1/2 milligram) before bed and it is now 2:00 pm the next day -- and she is still having trouble staying awake. I guess we will break those suckers in half if she needs help sleeping again! She did get a popsicle down before she fell back asleep though -- I think it was orange. Some things even transcend profound sleepiness.

Again, we thank you all for your prayers, cards, phone calls and visits. I think much of Nancy's motivation to keep going strongly has been the support given to us be so many of you. I am reading the comments to Nancy that have been left on this blog and I know she appreciates your concern.


Michelle said...

Alan and Nancy,
Your courage and your dedication to this battle are remarkable. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
You know that I am only a phone call away.
Love, Michelle

Keri said...

I am so glad all the"technical difficulties" have been worked out. Now you can sit back and enjoy your popsicles and Cricket. I think of you all the time. Please call if you'd like a visit.
Love, Keri

bev vreeland said...

I know you all want to spend as much time together as a family, so I won't steal that time away from you. If you need someone to sit with Nancy or a personal shopper to run to the store for more popsicles or anything, call me and I'll drop it off.
We are all praying for you.

Jennie said...

I'm going to echo the sentiments of the past posters--please let us know if you need personal shoppers, chefs, cleaners, DVD-renters, or would like visitors!

Thinking of you always...
Jennie and Scott

Anonymous said...

Alan & Nancy,

Alan, your wonderfully worded descriptions and explanations of life as it is happening today with Nancy are so easy to read and understand, and so gentle for the reader to comprehend. Nancy, I am humbled by your courage, your grace and your strength of character. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you both as they have always been.